Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Life Changes

I have not written in quite a while! A lot has happened even in the past few weeks. My husband received a incredible job opportunity in the Bay Area and we are packing up and moving to start a new adventure. I have to say that leaving is bittersweet. Having lived in the same area for my life span of 28 years, I am unsure of how things look to pick up and start over. The roller coaster of emotions changes daily. Today, I choose to be happy and joyful in the midst of trying to picture my life somewhere else. This afternoon may be different. Allowing myself to grieve the familiar and rejoice in the new is a process, right? All of this really is to say that I am hoping to give much needed attention to blogging yet again. A place to put my thoughts down and also to give family and friends updates :) Although we will not be moving far, 60 miles seems like another world to a small town girl. Please keep us in your prayers as we make this transition in the next few weeks. Until my next update...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

4 weeks old!

     Merritt is a month old today! While it seems like such a short time to most people, not sleeping has made it seem like an eternity to me. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world! This afternoon he kept looking up at me with this sweet little look on his face and making gurgling noises. Talk about melt a mama's heart. There is nothing on this earth better than having your own children! He also had his one month checkup at the doctor. Below are some of the stats :)

Month at a Glance

Age: 1 Month
Height: 23.5 inches (grew over an inch from his appointment 2 weeks ago), 80th percentile.
Weight: 9lb, 10oz, 50th percentile.
Head: 38
Milestones: His eyesight this past week has really developed. Merritt looks around at everything and is very alert! He started having playtime in his crib and pack-and-play with toys and books. 
Sleep: Merritt sleeps a lot during the day and we put him to bed around 8:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. most nights. He wakes up every 3 hours, but if I'm lucky (like the other night) he will wake up every hour!
Best Moment: When he smiles while he's eating or sleeping. 
Worst Moment: Waking up in the middle of the night, changing his diaper, feeding him and then feeling him have another blowout - not only can I hear it, it leaks through to my pajamas. I had to change his clothes and diapers 3 times that night.
Health: He is healthy! We have been referred to a Pediatric Cardiologist because he was born with a small heart murmur. Today at his Doctor's appointment the Doctor couldn't hear the murmur so I am praying that it closed on it's own! 
Eating: Merritt likes to eat every 2 hours during the day and about every 3-3.5 hours during the night. 
Teeth: 0

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Our newest addition!

We are now a family of three! What a wonderful, crazy, chaotic past 3 weeks we have had. But before I get into that I'd like to introduce you to our newest addition.

Merritt Camden Foster
Born August 31, 2012 at 8:43 a.m.
8 pounds, 3.8 ounces; 21 inches long

Merritt was born at 38 weeks and was really ready to make his entrance into the world. So ready in fact that my labor was from start to finish about 5 hours. I woke up that Friday morning to what I now know was transitional labor pains and headed to the hospital at 7:00 a.m.. He debuted at 8:43 a.m. and had a little bit of a rough start. Because things moved faster than expected he ended up having Meconium Aspiration which in simple terms means he pooped before being delivered and therefore it was in his stomach and lungs. In addition to that he also had fluid in the left side of his lungs and a small heart murmur. He ended up being taken to the NICU (or the penalty box, as the nurses liked to call it!) and stayed there for 8 days.
Looking back on that first week I have no idea how we got through it. I know that it was by the grace of God and family and friends support and prayers.

Merritt is now home and turned 3 weeks old this past Friday. He is the best thing that has ever happened to our family. Everyday I wake up and thank the Lord for blessing us with this little boy. While we aren't getting much sleep and some days are hard, I wouldn't have it any other way. It is an amazing thing to be a mom. My heart is full.

Thank you to all of you that have loved us by coming to visit, brought us meals, gave us gifts and for being there for us as we have made the transition home.
We love and appreciate each of you!

Until next time (when I have a free moment!),

Merritt's's official now!

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Last Trimester

     Everyone told me that the last trimester would be the longest part and that it would drag on. That hasn't been my experience at all! I can not believe how fast this whole pregnancy has gone. Don't get me wrong, I have been pregnant since December so looking back it seems that I've been sporting a baby bump for a very long time, but now that I'm at the end it seems like a blink. Here are a few things that I've learned during this season in my life :)

*Worrying doesn't help or change anything. It just gives you high blood pressure!
*Food cravings aren't always weird. Mine just takes me back to my childhood - PB&J Sandwiches and Root Beer Floats.
*A body pillow might just save your life.
*Strange dreams are now the norm.
*Ask for help! Friends and family are waiting to do things for you. 
*I took for granted being able to tie my shoes or get dressed. At this point those things cut off all breathing or circulation. 
*Whether you waddle or have swollen feet (or both!) your husband will still think you are beautiful!
*Since this is our first baby I'm reminded everyday to cherish the last few moments that Cameron & I have together as a couple. 

Last week's belly picture!

     As I prepare to be Merritt's Mama I am humbled and blessed that God has given me this amazing task. It's only because of His faithfulness that my husband and I are in this place today. While we have a lot to learn (actually we have EVERYTHING to learn!) I know that if we trust the Lord we will be parents worthy of this special calling. Keep me in your prayers during this last 2 weeks leading up to Merritt's due date. Everyday brings new feelings - ready but nervous! 

Thanks for stopping by! Make sure to officially "follow" my blog! 



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Passing The Time

While I have a list a mile long of things to-do before the baby arrives I decided that sewing was one of them this morning! I have to admit that I've been a little frustrated at the selection of boys clothes that stores offer these days. With the exception of Baby Gap, Naartjie and H&M, most other stores carry all the same onesies, pants and with that comes a monkey, dog or monster. Not my favorite! While out shopping with my mom and sister last week I came across a darling pair of orange linen pants with a vintage giraffe at a boutique. Considering that they were $35 and that baby would probably only wear them for a short time I passed them up. I did check out how easy they would be to make but it's really the fabric that made them cute! We just so happened to walk into a thrift store after that and on the sale rack was a orange linen dress for $3. I grabbed it off the rack and knew what I was going to make! While it didn't have vintage giraffe's on it, it was also $32 cheaper and I love a good deal. Now to take apart the dress and use the fabric! Here is a before picture:

 I used a pattern I had from a book called Handmade Beginnings by Anna Maria Horner. 
Here is the link to her book which I highly recommend! I don't normally use patterns because I like to create my own unique pieces but for these pants I decided to follow some direction :) 
and I did make some modifications as well.

Starting to take shape!
 When I finished the pants I decided that I needed a onesie to match! You can take any design you'd like to cut out of fabric, use heat and bond adhesive and transfer that design onto just about anything! I made an elephant with a floppy ear to match his pants and had a green star button which added the perfect finishing touch.

Elephant onesie and pants (front).

Back view of pants.
Now I really do have to get some house work done and try to have my hospital bag packed! 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Pregnant Mamas

     I have been blessed during this pregnancy to be joined by a lot of my friends who are sharing this first-time experience too. Every time I turn around I feel like someone else has announced that they are expecting. What a fun time to share - whether it's the first kicks, braxton hicks or labor and delivery, each girl has been able to talk about her experience which gives the next one encouragement. A few have already given birth and I love watching their little ones grow and others have yet to deliver and I am a part of that club for a little while longer. Cheer's and blessing to all my mama friends!

(From left to right) Ariana - due in October;  Danielle - due in October; Sarah gave birth to Colin in February; Lindsey (me!) due in September; Lindy gave birth to Cohen in February; Crystal due in January.

Megan due in September & Holly gave birth to Eisley Grace 1 week ago

Sweet Sarah and Colin

Lindy & Cohen :)

Holly and Eisley Grace